This article only applies to Desktop PCs (Windows, Mac, Linux).

To never miss a call again with Yodel you can try our new push notifications feature. To enable this, please visit and click on the Enable button. You should then receive a popup from your browser, asking you to confirm the permission to send you notifications. From then on you will get Yodel push notifications for every incoming call.

Yodel Business Phone System Notification

We currently support the following browsers:

  • Chrome (since version 65): If you want to receive push notifications even when Chrome is closed, you must ensure its properly configured to do so. Visit chrome://flags/ in your browser and ensure Enable Push API background mode is set to Enabled.

Google Chrome Push Enable

  • Firefox (since version 59): Firefox must be running to receive push notifications from Yodel.
  • Safari (since OS X v10.9): You will receive push notifications even if Safari is closed.

If you have a Slack user connected to your Yodel account (check so in you will only get notifications if a call comes in that you have subscribed to. If you have no Slack user connected to your Yodel account you will get a notification for each incoming call on all your phone lines.

Please make sure to also inform the rest of your Slack team about subscribing to the push notifications so they can make use of this feature too (you only need to provide this link: