We've provided a list that is structured within 6 tiers. Each tier has it's own pricing.
You can have a look at this list to get a more detailed look. Tier 0 and 1 Phone Numbers are standard numbers.
You will be asked to provide a local address for the following countries - including but not limited to:
Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland
Tier 0 and 1 Phone Numbers are standard numbers.
Tier 0 and 1 Phone Number: USD 5 per month
Tier 2 Phone Number: USD 10 per month
Tier 3 Phone Number: USD 30 per month
Tier 4 Phone Number: USD 50 per month
Tier 5 Phone Number: USD 90 per month
Tier 0 Numbers:
- Austria (Local)
- Belgium (Local)
- Belgium (mobile)
- Canada (Local)
- Canada (Tollfree)
- Czech Republic (Local)
- Denmark (Local)
- Estonia (Local)
- Finland (Local)
- France (Local)
- Germany (Local)
- Greece (Local)
- Iceland (Local)
- Ireland (Local)
- Italy (Local)
- Latvia (Local)
- Lithuania (Local)
- Poland (Local)
- Portugal (Local)
- Slovakia (Local)
- Sweden (Local)
- Switzerland (Local)
- United Kingdom (Local)
- United Kingdom (mobile)
- United States (Local)
- United States (Tollfree)
Tier 1 Numbers:
- Australia (Local)
- Brazil (Local)
- Bulgaria (Local)
- Estonia (mobile)
- France (mobile)
- Hungary (Local)
- Indonesia (mobile)
- Israel (Local)
- Korea Republic of (Local)
- Latvia (mobile)
- Lithuania (mobile)
- Luxembourg (Local)
- Netherlands (Local)
- New Zealand (Local)
- Norway (Local)
- Poland (mobile)
- Puerto Rico (Local)
- Romania (Local)
- South Africa (Local)
- Spain (Local)
- Spain (mobile)
- Sweden (mobile)
- United Kingdom (Tollfree)
Tier 2 Numbers:
- Argentina (Local)
- Australia (mobile)
- Austria (mobile)
- Chile (Local)
- Croatia (Local)
- Croatia (mobile)
- Cyprus (Local)
- Dominican Republic (Local)
- El Salvador (Local)
- Germany (mobile)
- Hong Kong (Local)
- Ireland (mobile)
- Japan (Local)
- Malaysia (mobile)
- Malta (Local)
- Mexico (Local)
- Netherlands (mobile)
- Panama (Local)
- Peru (Local)
- Slovenia (Local)
- Switzerland (mobile)
Tier 3 Numbers:
- Australia (Tollfree)
- Austria (Tollfree)
- Belgium (Tollfree)
- Chile (mobile)
- Colombia (Local)
- Colombia (Tollfree)
- Czech Republic (mobile)
- Denmark (Tollfree)
- Denmark (mobile)
- Germany (Tollfree)
- Greece (Tollfree)
- Hong Kong (mobile)
- Hong Kong (Tollfree)
- Hungary (mobile)
- Indonesia (Local)
- Ireland (Tollfree)
- Israel (mobile)
- Italy (mobile)
- Japan (Tollfree)
- Kenya (Local)
- Korea Republic of (Tollfree)
- Malaysia (Tollfree)
- Netherlands (Tollfree)
- Norway (mobile)
- Norway (Tollfree)
- Philippines (Local)
- Philippines (Tollfree)
- Poland (Tollfree)
- Portugal (mobile)
- Portugal (Tollfree)
- Romania (Tollfree)
- Slovakia (Tollfree)
- South Africa (Tollfree)
- Spain (Tollfree)
- Sweden (Tollfree)
- Switzerland (Tollfree)
- Thailand (Local)
Tier 4 Numbers:
- Barbados (Local)
- Benin (mobile)
- Brazil (Tollfree)
- Cayman Islands (Local)
- Czech Republic (Tollfree)
- Finland (Tollfree)
- Ghana (mobile)
- Grenada (Local)
- Guatemala (Local)
- Guatemala (mobile)
- Guinea (mobile)
- Jamaica (Local)
- Mali (Local)
- Mexico (Tollfree)
- New Zealand (Tollfree)
- Nigeria (Local)
- Trinidad and Tobago (Local)
- Vietnam (Local)
Tier 5 Numbers:
- Macau (mobile)
- Mauritius (mobile)
- Moldova (Local)
- Singapore (mobile)